A few hours of black-out can cause harmful consequences for your operation just because almost everything today is electronically managed. Power interruptions can bring everything to a crashing halt. Businesses, medical facilities, military facilities, private and public sectors, everyone will be affected. The whole economy could be shut down or amass millions of dollars worth of lost transactions within a day of complete power meltdown. That is why an uninterruptible power supply system (UPS) is so vital for businesses and big facilities. When choosing an industrial UPS system, businesses have a lot of criteria to analyze, including accurate utilization, environment, risk tolerance, and more. Plus, with so many products to choose from, it may seem like a daunting task to select the best one. While selecting UPS technology for industrial applications, customers are faced with various issues to consider and selecting the right solutions while ensuring fast recovery from disasters and also ensuring safety, efficiency, and proper functioning of the business process and its equipment. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have an expert to guide you? We are here to help you in selecting the best UPS for your environments.
Industrial UPS systems put safety first
Selecting the most suitable UPS for any provided business or industrial utilization is important to ensure not only uptime for your applications but also safety. That encompasses the safety of whatever method or production you require to preserve as well as the safety of your employees and, potentially, members of the public. Consider an oil and gas platform out at sea and if any of the devices or processes needed to maintain safety aren’t functioning due to a power failure, it could put the entire crew in danger from a fire or worse. Likewise, if a public building undergoes a power interruption at night but the UPS that powers its emergency lighting fails, anyone inside the building could be in danger.
How large do the UPS need to be
Industrial UPS systems are strong and come with a complex structural design that’s engineered to control and eliminate significant problems in the system. To make your UPS work properly, your UPS has to be large enough to sustain all of the devices plugged into it. You will need to determine the UPS capacity and how much power a UPS system can provide. The higher the capacity, the more electronic appliances, and devices it can support. The Load is the combined amount of power each of the devices uses. The UPS should be of the appropriate size to fit the electrical properties or load profile of the equipment that the UPS is needed to protect. Considering factors like the highest load that the UPS can protect and whether the highest load happens in small bursts or over a long period. Some devices such as motors, furnaces, blowers, Servo drives, laser cutters, and heaters, etc have non-sinusoidal current conditions or harmonic complexities, which may increase the load requirements of the UPS that protects them or the sorts of filtering accessories it requires.
The surrounding in which a UPS will be kept oftentimes dictates the type of UPS that should be selected. A UPS selected for a typical data center is required to function in a room with temperatures of 23° to 27° C and a relative humidity range of 0 to 95, with ingress security sufficient to prevent disruption from dust, water particles, large falling. Most of the data center UPSs are kept in a controlled environment. Even though this seems like a fair surrounding for the UPS, it is not the same when the UPS is put on a ship in the sea with constant exposure to saltwater or when put in an oil exploration field where the temperature could reach above 100 degrees. This is true for most of the industrial applications where the UPSs are installed in very harsh environments. This kind of extreme situation needs specialized UPSs that are built to combat such tough situations. There are several certifications, type tests, and other specialized performance tests that are available to determine the withstanding capacity of the UPSs to tackle all sorts of unfavorable environmental circumstances. The solution is to work with a merchant and customize the UPSs according to your particular necessities that will operate in a specific environment.
Another factor that can be considered while selecting an industrial UPS system is energy efficiency. Even though energy-efficient designs are costlier immediately up front yet in the long run it’s worth going for more efficient UPS. This may result in huge savings and the number can amaze you as the UPS capability becomes bigger. The payback period on account of these savings could be even shorter than 4 years.
It’s a vital responsibility to design power protection systems for a business. Since it can be a daunting task sorting through the options, the Right Power Technology in Malaysia will assist you to identify the models of industrial UPS systems that make the most sense and provide peace of mind! Right Power Technology, founded in 2000, as a pioneer in advanced UPS systems and solutions, Right Power Technology now has the enviable distinction of being a significant player in the industry, education, and commercial fields. Visit our official website to see the best ups suited to your requirements.